Monday, December 6, 2010


I have already taken two of my finals on inqsit and I have four more to take next week! I really wish that I didn't have one on Friday so that I could go home early! My roommate gets done on Wednesday so she is going home after that. I am already worrying for finals week. I need to start studying! I wish we knew what our English final was too! Good luck to everyone during finals week!


  1. I feel like there's not enough time between now and next week to prepare! goodluck

  2. Wow!! That is a lot of finals. I have three of them including my English one that I forgot we had.

  3. I only have four! How many credit hours are you taking!? Anywho, the only final im really thinking about is this English one because I have no idea what its about! Ahh!
