Sunday, August 29, 2010

Luck of the Draw

After my first week in college here at Ball State, I have quickly discovered the advantage of having the new Recreational and Wellness Center right across from my dorm room. I have been working out there almost everyday. Yesterday, while I was working out on the elliptical I was watching CNN cover a story on New York Charter Schools. Many parents are trying to enroll their children into the best schools, but in some New York districts parents are having to enter a lottery in order to make that possible. Thousands of children are entered into the lottery and only a few hundred are selected to attend the charter schools. Charters schools are a publicly funded school, but is ran individually therefore providing a better education for students. Charter schools are statistically proven to award students better standardize testing scores and to increase the child's chances of continuing on to higher education. After hearing about this I began to wonder why not all children are given the chance to go to a good school? Why isn't there enough funding for every children to be given the best education possible? What must we do to ensure that all of our children are being properly educated instead of just a few lucky ones?

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you could have a future in education! welcome to eng 103!
