Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mission Impossible: First load of laundry

After a couple days of procrastination, I decided that I finally needed to attempt my first load of laundry. Unfortunately, the washing machine on my floor was broken. I went to the floors below me and above me to find a time to sign up for the machines. Arriving in the laundry room 5 minutes before my time, I sat down and waited for the person before me to come pick up her clothes in the machine to put them in the dryer. I waited and waited.... for about 30 minutes. Finally, she came and got her clothes. I successfully washed my first load of laundry, however, there were no open driers to put them in. How this happens I do not know. I walked to every floor in my hall to try and find a dryer, but there were none available. I brought my wet clothes back to my room and hung them around my room. I waited 2 more hours to finally got to an open dryer. I miss when my mom did my laundry...
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1 comment:

  1. Ohh that sounds like a frustrating laundry day. I had a similar experience...I kept putting off doing my laundry until it piled five feet high in my closet and all I had to wear was white Ts and shorts. Then, when I finally go to sign up to do my laundry it was filled up for the next two days... Luckily though I have some buddies with houses on campus I can do my laundry at. This sharing thing is going to take some getting used to...
