Monday, November 29, 2010

Really Interesting...

Over break someone showed me this video on youtube and I thought that it was really interesting. Check it out!

Christmas Tree

So this will be the first year that I don't get to help put up Christmas decorations and our tree because I will be at school. It will be really weird not helping at all. My roommate was suppose to bring a mini tree from home to put in our room and I was suppose to bring Christmas lights but we both forgot! It won't be that same not helping to put up decorations.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

First Hockey Game!

Over break I went to my first hockey game! I went to Columbus, Ohio to watched the Red Wings play the Blue Jackets. I wish that I could have gone to Detroit to watch the Wings play, but Columbus is closer to my house. I went to watch them play on Black Friday and it was about a 3 hour drive to the arena. I went into the arena early and watched the Wings warm up. My favorite player is Zetterburg, who had a great game! The wings won 2 to 1 and I was on TV! It was a great experience. I can't wait for my hockey games in the future!


I was so excited to go home for Thanksgiving! My cousins were in town from Colorado for the holiday. It was great to see them and spend time with them! On Thanksgiving my uncle made a ham and a turkey and we had way too much dessert! We watched lots of football and I learned how to play the game banana-grams. Over break my cousins were talking about giving blood. My cousin, Kayla, and my brother, Eric, who are both juniors in high school have blood. Our high school has an annual blood drive and can food drive right before Thanksgiving. This year the raised 16,000 cans! My cousin was talking about how she wanted to give blood again and how great it was to do it. I told her that I wanted to give blood sometime soon and she was talking to me about it. She had credibility (ethos) because she has given blood before. She had pathos because she was talking about how a girl at my school who has cancer was encouraging people to give blood. The girl has to have many blood transfusions which appealed to my emotions because it made me feel like I could help save a life. Also, this discussion appealed to my logos (logic) because my cousin explained to me how the body reproduces its blood and how it doesn't hurt when they draw the blood from you. Before she explained the process of donating blood I was nervous, but now I realize that it's not that bad!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kid Cudi's new song!!!

I am a new fan of Kid Cudi and his new album just came out. One of his singles off the album is called "Erase Me". Below I posted the video of the new song. Check it out! I really like him because I think he has a new style of music and isn't what most people are singing right now.

Grey's Anatomy!

Over the weekend some of my friends and I rented one of the seasons of Grey's Anatomy at the library. First of all I never knew that you could rent whole seasons of shows at the library which is great! Second of all I have become totally addicted to the show. On Friday night we watched the first four episodes of the show together. The next day though I watched almost the rest of the season by myself because I was so addicted!!! For those of you who haven't seen Grey's Anatomy it is a medical drama. It is about a bunch of doctors who work at one the the biggest hospitals in the nation, Seattle Grace Hospital. Many of the characters have romances too. I think that me and my friends are going to watch it again this weekend!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

To write love on her arms

Last night I went Pruis Hall to see speaker to Jamie Tworkowski who is the founder of To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA). To Write Love On Her Arms is a foundation that raises awareness about depression, addiction, suicide, and self-injury. Below is a video that gives you a glimpse about how the foundation was started and a little about what it is about.

To find out more about TWLOHA there is a link below that is the main website for the foundation.

Movies from my childhood

Recently, I have been obsessed with watching old movies and shows from when I grew up. I went home this weekend to visit my boyfriend and we couldn't stop talking about the old Disney movies like Winnie the Pooh, Mickey Mouse, Toy Story, Aladdin, and many more. We found our old VHS's that were from our childhood and started watching the movies. I personally think that growing up during the 90's was one of the best times to grow up. I grew up with classic movies and TV shows that will probably never get old. Disney has some of the best movies, and I think that for Christmas I might ask my parents to get me some of the old Disney movies on DVD, because all my old movies are still on VHS.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

World Cup

One of my favorite sporting events is the World Cup. I love it so much because it is a worldly event. There are teams there from Europe, South America, Asia, Africa, and all over the world. The World Cup is held every 4 years. The most recent World Cup took place in the summer of 2010. The cup took place in South Africa. Below is the official music video of the 2010 World Cup. I love the song and I love the video. The next World Cup is taking place in 2014 in Brazil. Hopefully I will be able to make it to this one. I love to travel and I think that it is an important part of life. I love to learn about different cultures and to become a part of them by visiting them. Although soccer is not as popular in the United States as it is in other countries, it is huge around the world. People in other countries go crazy during the world cup. To the left is a picture of a crowd watching the World Cup game in their country. Soccer is a big deal in other countries. It's almost like the while country comes together, and I think that it is amazing. It's like the superbowl, only bigger!

Digital Photo Frame

My boyfriend got me a digital photo frame for our two year anniversary and I love it! I love having photos of my family and friends hanging everywhere! I have it set up on a slide show so that the picture shows for 30 seconds and then switches to another picture. At first I was a little hesitant about digital photo frames, but I really enjoy mine. It saves me money from printing out pictures and it is fun to look at the slide show. I am always guessing what picture will show up next. It distracts me sometimes when I am doing my homework, but that's ok!