Sunday, November 28, 2010


I was so excited to go home for Thanksgiving! My cousins were in town from Colorado for the holiday. It was great to see them and spend time with them! On Thanksgiving my uncle made a ham and a turkey and we had way too much dessert! We watched lots of football and I learned how to play the game banana-grams. Over break my cousins were talking about giving blood. My cousin, Kayla, and my brother, Eric, who are both juniors in high school have blood. Our high school has an annual blood drive and can food drive right before Thanksgiving. This year the raised 16,000 cans! My cousin was talking about how she wanted to give blood again and how great it was to do it. I told her that I wanted to give blood sometime soon and she was talking to me about it. She had credibility (ethos) because she has given blood before. She had pathos because she was talking about how a girl at my school who has cancer was encouraging people to give blood. The girl has to have many blood transfusions which appealed to my emotions because it made me feel like I could help save a life. Also, this discussion appealed to my logos (logic) because my cousin explained to me how the body reproduces its blood and how it doesn't hurt when they draw the blood from you. Before she explained the process of donating blood I was nervous, but now I realize that it's not that bad!

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