Tuesday, November 2, 2010

World Cup

One of my favorite sporting events is the World Cup. I love it so much because it is a worldly event. There are teams there from Europe, South America, Asia, Africa, and all over the world. The World Cup is held every 4 years. The most recent World Cup took place in the summer of 2010. The cup took place in South Africa. Below is the official music video of the 2010 World Cup. I love the song and I love the video. The next World Cup is taking place in 2014 in Brazil. Hopefully I will be able to make it to this one. I love to travel and I think that it is an important part of life. I love to learn about different cultures and to become a part of them by visiting them. Although soccer is not as popular in the United States as it is in other countries, it is huge around the world. People in other countries go crazy during the world cup. To the left is a picture of a crowd watching the World Cup game in their country. Soccer is a big deal in other countries. It's almost like the while country comes together, and I think that it is amazing. It's like the superbowl, only bigger!


  1. I agree, the World Cup is amazing! I watched as many matches as I could this summer, and I was very upset when the US lost :( It would be AMAZING to go to Brazil to see the World Cup..I hope you get to go! I love traveling as well, and that would be an awesome part of your trip! :)

  2. I didn't really get a chance to watch the World Cup! I wish I would have though, because everyone says it is really entertaining and fun to watch. I love Shakira's song Waka Waka :) That will be interesting when the next world cup is in Brazil! I'm sure it will be really popular in there!! Have a great weekend!! :)

  3. I have not really watched the world cup much! I would love to travel as well to see it though. I really enjoyed the song/video!

  4. That would be the greatest adventure of all time. I recently started watching the World cup just about 4 years ago (not the 2010 World Cup but the 2006 one). I fell in love with the game. I find myself watching soccer all of the time now. I wish the United States liked soccer as much as they like football. It is an international sport so why don't we put as much effort into it as other countries? We didn't do halfway bad the past year but we still need to step it up to compete against the higher end teams that have been doing the damn thing since the beginning. I couldn't imagine being a part of the World Cup, especially in Brazil (it is so beautiful there) I would have to make it a month long vacation if I went because I would never want to leave. The food, the people, the culture, the beaches, old landmarks, learning its history; Brazil would be amazing! It would probably be the highlight of my life. I want to travel all of the world before I die, I want to see it all; I just need to find a way to fund it all first! lol
