Monday, October 11, 2010

Did you know?

I watched She's the Man on Friday night with a bunch of girls. Did you know that the movie is based off a Shakespeare play?! The movie is based of of Shakespeare's play The Twelfth Night. I read the play in high school for my English class. The characters names are the same in the play and the movie including Olivia, Viola, Duke, Sebastien, Antonio, Andrew, and Toby. The plot's are also similar. In She's the Man Viola (Amanda Bynes) dresses up as her brother to play on the soccer team. She then falls for Duke (Channing Tatum) and they end up together at the end of the movie after Duke realizes that she is really a girl. The Twelfth Night features Viola dressing up as a man and ending up marrying Duke at the end of the play.

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