Thursday, October 28, 2010

Proposal for Public Writing Assignment

CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) is a policy regulates the average fuel economy on cars in the United States. CAFE makes it more expensive for automakers to make inefficient cars, but does not lower the price of gas or cars. This act was established in 1975, but it has been revised ever year raising the MPG regulations to higher standards. Recently, President Obama proposed revising the CAFE act which would make the rules for MPG to jump from 25 MPG to 35 MPG before the year 2016. However, there are many issues with CAFE. Many people think that CAFE is ineffective because most auto makers violate the regulations and pay the fines for regulating them. Others argue that if fuel efficiency gets better then people will start driving their cars more and balance the changes that we made to begin with. Although many people argue against the CAFE act, I believe that it is a good idea. The CAFE act can help lower the amount of money that people spend on gas and it can help save our environment if we use more fuel efficient cars. I care about this because I think that auto makers need to be pushed to keep up with the times. Most other industrialized countries have much better fuel efficiency, and we need to catch up. It would also help decrease the amount of money people spend on gas and it would also help the United States decrease the amount of oil they rely on from foreign countries. Lastly, it would help save our environment.

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