Monday, October 4, 2010

Home Sweet Home

I went home for the first time this weekend! It was really exciting. I actually got to shower without any flip flops on and I got to cook homemade meals! I made pizza baked spaghetti with caprese flatbread and chicken tortilla soup over the weekend. I was so excited to eat at home. I like the food at school, but I am starting to get tired of it because I feel like I eat the same thing over and over again. I also got to see my dog, Monty! I missed him so much! He was so excited to see me that he barked for awhile, because he didn't know what else to do. He knows that he always gets spoiled by me so I took him on a walk and got him a dog dish of ice cream from Ritter's. Now that I am back from home I have a whole week filled with lots of work!


  1. It's exciting that you got to go home! There's no place like home and being with the people (and pets) that you love the most :) Also, I agree with that part about showering! I love being home and just using my OWN shower! And home cooked meals are by far the best :) Home is just an all around good place!

  2. I went home last weekend too! i loved it. It seems like i did the same things you did. Except i went shopping with my mom because i didnt have any good winter clothes and i LOVE shopping. I also have a dog named Reggie. I miss him sooo much! i love going home to see him and to see my family of course :)

  3. I've been home twice since I've been here. I guess the saying "There's no place like home" is true. I can't wait to go home and get a home-cooked meal. That's the best part(other than being with my bf lolz)

  4. Lafollete food after the first 3 weeks = jail food. I miss my moms's cookin'!!!
