Monday, September 6, 2010

Power Soccer

An extra credit opportunity for my sociology class was to attend a Ball State power soccer practice. Before I went to the power soccer practice I was very curious if the players actually played with the soccer ball on the ground or if they played by tossing the ball. It seemed almost impossible for me to imagine playing soccer in a wheel chair. I have seen many other chair sports, such as murderball, but I did not think that soccer would be one of them. As I entered the gym, the players were already on the court playing. They had bumpers on the front of their chairs to hit the ball with. As I continued to observe the players I began thinking that this still seemed impossible. I think that it would be very difficult to play soccer in a chair and I was amazed and gained an appreciation for the players. It must take a lot of patience and determination in order to learn to play this game. These are two characteristics that I sometimes lack, but this has inspired me to work on that. I would encourage others to attend a match or a practice!

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