Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Facebook Friends

Over the weekend I decided that I would go edit my list of facebook friends. I had nearly 600 facebook friends. Some of them were my actual friends and some where family members, however others were people that I didn't even know or have never talked to. I decided that I didn't want these people "creeping" and "facestalking" by profile so I deleted a lot of them. I deleted almost 300 of my friends. It was almost scary to see how many people I was friends with and I didn't even recognize the name or know them. Another reason why I wanted to do this was because I am addictive to facebook. When I should be doing my homework, I'm actually checking peoples statuses. I get off read for a little bit, get bored, and then check again. I wanted to delete people who I don't talk to and aren't friends with so I can stop creeping on there pages and reading about them on my newsfeed. Facebook has changed the way that we do things. Our parents didn't have facebook pages when they were in high school and in college, but we do. When they graduated high school or broke up with someone they didn't see much of these people, now however I am friends with all of these people and can keep up with their lives. I am not saying that I don't love facebook, but it is something that can become addicting and I waste a lot of my time on it worrying about other peoples lives. I am glad that I deleted some of my friends and that I now most of my friends are ones that are involved in my life.


  1. I totally agree with you! I did the same thing with my facebook; I added people that I knew but I didn't really talk to them. I ended up deleting a whole bunch of them because I didn't want to hear about what they wanted to eat for lunch or their plans for the weekend, etc. Facebook is a lot of fun, I just think that people have to be careful with their limitations on it.

  2. That's a really good idea! I don't have many friends that I don't actually know on fb, but I do think its a good idea to delete the ones you don't know...you never know who is cyber stalking you! I also think people put way too much info on their profiles, including statuses. I don't think you should tell the world exactly where you are....anyone could find you!

  3. i always ask people, if you have over 300 friends on facebook, what does the word "friend" mean to you?

  4. i am pretty sure if facebook wasn't invented i would get my homework done
