Friday, September 3, 2010

What am I watching?

Last night I went with a couple of friends I went to someone's dorm room to hang out. We ended up watching Jersey Shore. I have never watched Jersey Shore before, but I now know why Professor McArdle now says that MTV will bring about the end of the world. I kept thinking to myself: what am I watching? Someone I was watching asked what the purpose of the show was and no one could answer. The people just fight and hook up. I felt like I was losing some of my intelligence just watching the show. I told my boyfriend that I watched the show for the first time and he responded by saying "don't turn to the dark side and let it brain wash you".


  1. Oh come on you have to love the fist pumping, shot taking, and dancing fools of the Jersey Shore. I would first like to point out that none of the girls Mike "the situation" and Pauly D bring back to the house are never attractive. I feel like if you are going to think over as yourself as the hottest male to walk the earth, you would at least go to a bar with good looking women. Oh and how many times do we have to hear about Ronnie cheating on that one girl. I mean I don't really watch the show but come on. The plot is so lame but, its gain the attention of many viewers so it must be doing its job.

  2. Personally I watch Jersey Shore because back in Elkhart where I went to high school thats all we did on thursday nights. I agree it is stupid television, but it entertains people at the same time.

  3. lolz I absolutely have never watched jersey shore and never plan on it for those reasons above! Im glad you havent turned over to the darkside! :)
