Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hot Air Balloon Race

One of my friends going to school at Saint Louis attended the Annual Saint Louis Great Forest Park Balloon Race over the weekend. I have always been amazed at hot air balloons. In Saint Louis the night before the race all of the balloon pilots light up their balloons, but they stay on the ground. Many people come out to view the balloons. As the picture to the right shows this makes for quite a beautiful view. The race starts the next day. An energizer bunny hot air balloon takes of a few minutesbefore the other 70 selected balloons, and all of the other balloons are to follow the bunny and the first to get to the end wins.
I have never been on a hot air balloon, but it is on my list of things to do. I think that it would be really cool to go to one in Colorado, Europe, or Mexico. Festivals are held all over the country ever year. Going to one of these is on my "bucket list" of things to do in my life. Hopefully I will be able to go to something like this one day and to actually ride in one of the balloons, not just watch the balloons.

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